


The think tank in the mountains


International Seminar in Finance

Networking and reflection

At the annual European Bankers Forum, you will meet with your fellow students, research assistants, professors from various universities and representatives from financial service providers and spend a week discussing students’ academic work.

The European Bankers Forum takes place annually in cooperation with the chairs of Prof. Dr. Bernd Rolfes (University of Duisburg), Prof. Dr. Claudia Wöhle (University of Salzburg), Prof. Dr. Reinhold Hölscher (Technical University of Kaiserslautern) and Prof. Dr. Michael Lister (Steinbeis University). The participants in the forum discuss current topics in the field of credit and finance on the basis of the students’ coursework. The event will be enriched by guest lectures from practitioners in the financial services industry, who will also act as sponsors of the seminar. The forum offers students the opportunity to prepare for their future professional practice by practicing presentations. In addition, the discussions reinforce what has been learned so far.


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