
Research at csf
The Center for Sustainable Finance is a research and education center at the school of Steinbeis University. It is focused on analyzing various aspects of sustainability and their impacts on companies, investors, society, and the environment.
At the school, research and development projects are continuously conducted alongside teaching activities. The school contributes to finding scientifically substantiated answers to questions in all national and international financial service provider sub-areas.
The school actively acquires third-party funding for research projects on various economic subjects. The primary aim is to address issues arising from companies’ practical activities.
The zeb. business school supervises doctoral theses on economic questions. Doctoral candidates include internal assistants who conduct research and publish at the school and external individuals involved in the school’s research activities. In line with the Steinbeis University philosophy, the focus is always on the practical application of research findings.
Here, you can view our current research principles
Research team
The following professors are affiliated with the school:
- Prof. Dr. Joachim Hasebrook
- Prof. Dr. Stefan Kirmße
- Prof. Dr. Thorn Kring
- Prof. Dr. Michael Lister
- Prof. Dr. Michael Pohl
- Dr. Dominik Englisch
- Dr. Dirk Holländer
The school integrates foundational and applied research into its teaching: Expanding its staff and drawing on renowned personalities from the business world allows for a broad spectrum of economic questions to be addressed.
With high-quality publications in international journals, the school is establishing itself as a prestigious institute for economic research and education in Europe. We examine success factors and prerequisites, compare management and valuation models, and implement pioneering methods and models.
National and International Cooperations
- Prof. Dr. Bernd Rolfes, Chair of Banking and Corporate Finance, Mercator School of Management, University of Duisburg-Essen.
- Prof. Dr. John Erpenbeck, School of International Business & Entrepreneurship (SIBE), Steinbeis University Berlin.
- Prof. Dr. Pertti Saariluoma, User Psychology / Technology Transfer Center, University of Jyväskylä (FI).
- Prof. Dr. José J. Cañas Delgado, Work Psychology, Universidad de Grenada (ES).
- Prof. Dr. Stefan G. Hofmann, Center for Anxiety and Related Disorders, Boston University (USA).
- Prof. Dr. Erich Barthel, Chair of Human Resources Management, Frankfurt School of Finance & Management.
- Prof. Dr. Benedikt Hackl, Baden-Württemberg Cooperative State University, Ravensburg.
- Federal Association of German Cooperative Banks, Berlin.
- Association of Sparda Banks e.V.
- Participant network of the personnel studies (over 500 medium-sized credit institutions).
- Association of the Bavarian Economy (vbw).
- Employers’ Association of Baden-Württemberg.
Contact us school
Steinbeis University
Hammer Strasse 165,
48153 Münster