Summer School

New York / Boston

Finance in the USA

USA is your campus

Annually, we conduct a Summer School program, with optional participation. You will receive credit points towards your degree with a final examination.

This program offers an exhilarating mix of visits to globally operating companies and insightful lectures by renowned experts. By attending our Summer School, you’ll broaden your horizons, gain insights into Financial Services in different countries, and build an international network.

For more information and the current program, please visit:
+49 251 97128 707

Take a look!

Join the zeb business school’s Summer School and explore the financial world in the “Big Apple” and the inspiring lifestyle in Boston with us. You’ll experience leading scholars from MIT and the esteemed University of Boston, as well as influential practitioners from the financial services sector.

Expand your knowledge on topics like “Digital Transformation”. Enhance your English skills and seize the opportunity to expand your network with international contacts.


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